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Avance III 500 info

Avance III 500 MHz

This spectrometer is suitable for metabolomics and in vivo NMR studies but structural analysis of small molecules and low molecular weight proteins as well as magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy (HRMAS-NMR) can also be performed.

To accomplish these studies there are several probe-heads available: a 10 mm QNP C/N/P probe-head for in vivo NMR experiments; two probe‑heads specific for metabolomics studies, one selective for 13C (DUAL 5 mm) and another selective for 31P (SEXP 5 mm); two probe-heads for in vivo studies of transport processes coupled with the transport of 23Na ion (SEXNa 10 mm) and phosphorylated or fluorinated compounds (TXO F/P 10 mm); a 5 mm BBI-xyz high‑resolution probe‑head for 1D/2D homo- and heteronuclear structural studies, equipped with broadband decoupling of X nuclei (range from 31P to 109Ag) and XYZ-axis pulsed field gradients; and a 5 mm QXI-z C/N/P probe-head and a 5 mm TXI-z C/N probe‑heads for DNA and protein studies, respectively.

In its role as a HRMAS-NMR spectrometer, the AvanceII+ 500 is suitable for studies of liquid suspensions and semi-solid samples of either biological or synthetic origin (for instance: conventional very small volume liquid samples, lipids, polymeric gels, biological tissues, plants, food samples, resins, polymers, etc.).


Description and history of the equipment:

The spectrometer was acquired by the Instituto de Tecnologia Quí­mica e Biológica in 1989. At the time of installation the spectrometer was equipped with an AMX500 console, which was updated to a DRX500 double bay console in 1995. In June 2007 a new and more extensive update was performed comprising not only a new console (a double bay AVANCE II) but also a new pre-amplifier and cryoshim system. More recently, the console was updated to an AVANCE III. This spectrometer, equipped with a Ultra-Shielded-Plus 500 MHz magnet (since 2010), 54 mm diameter standard bore, is controlled via Topspin 3.5 software installed in a PC with the LINUX operating system. The 5 Gauss magnetic field safety line is described by an ellipsoid with a horizontal and vertical radius of 0.6 m and 1.2 m apart from the magnetic center, respectively.


Two systems are available for low temperature operation:

  1. BCU-05 - a nitrogen gas cooling system (exit gas temperature of -20ºC) allowing working temperatures down to 0ºC (approximately);
  2. A nitrogen gas cooling system operating by heat exchange with liquid nitrogen allowing working temperatures down to -120ºC (approximately).


Table of sensitivities (signal to noise ratios) for probe-heads:

Avance III 500
QXI-z (5 mm)
BBI-xyz (5 mm)
31P SEX (5 mm)
13C Dual (5 mm)
23Na Selective (10 mm)
918 (23Na)
QNP (10 mm)
TXO (10 mm)
533 (19F)




The QXI-z H-C/N/P-D (5 mm) is a probe-head with inverse detection (optimized for 1H observing), designed to operate at four fixed frequencies (1H, 13C, 15N and 31P), with pulse‑field gradients along Z axis and automatically tunable. This probe‑head allows the acquisition of multi‑dimensional triple resonance spectra from triple‑labelled protein samples as well as less complex data from double- single- or non-labelled samples. In addition, the presence of a 31P channel allows the acquisition of multi-dimensional correlation data from phosphorylated compounds containing samples.

It is also possible to perform D decoupling using the deuterium channel from the lock system, together with the other three specific nuclei, allowing the decoupling up to four nuclei in only one pulse sequence.


Minimum sample volume: 500 ul
Working temperature range: +150 to -150ºC
Purchase date: 2006



The TXI-z H-C/N-D (5 mm) is a probe-head with inverse detection (optimized for 1H observing), designed to operate at three fixed frequencies (1H, 13C and 15N) and with pulse‑field gradients along Z axis. This probe‑head allows the acquisition of multi-dimensional double resonance spectra from double‑labelled protein samples as well as less complex data from single- or non-labelled samples.

It is also possible to perform D decoupling using the deuterium channel from the lock system, together with the other two specific nuclei, allowing the decoupling up to three nuclei in only one pulse sequence.


Minimum sample volume: 500 ul
Working temperature range: +150 to -150ºC
Purchase date: 2007


BBI-xyz H-X

The BBI‑xyz H-X-D (5 mm) is a probe-head with inverse detection (optimized for 1H observing), wide range frequency decoupling possibility (from 31P to 109Ag) and with pulse‑field gradients along XYZ axis. It can be used for structural studies applied to small molecules and low molecular weight proteins and based on homonuclear (e.g., COSY, NOESY, TOCSY, etc.) or heteronuclear (e.g., HSQC, HMQC, HMBC, etc.) correlations and their multiple combined forms (HSQC-TOCSY, HSQC-NOESY, etc.). Also, this probe-head is frequently used for 1H-NMR experiments requiring heteronuclear broadband decoupling and/or solvent suppression.


Minimum sample volume: 500 ul
Working temperature range: +80 to -50ºC
Purchase date: 1998



DUAL C-H-D (5 mm) and SEX P-H-D (5 mm) are selective probe-heads used for direct observation of Carbon or Phosphorus, respectively. Both accessories can perform proton decoupling if required.

Being optimized for only one nucleus, they are very useful for low concentration sample analysis as the ones obtained from metabolomics studies.


Minimum sample volume: 500 ul
Working temperature range: +180 a -150ºC
Purchase date (DUAL): 1994
Purchase date (SEXP): 2002



The QNP C/N/P-H-D (10 mm) is a quadruple probe‑head designed for direct observation of three fixed X nuclei frequencies (13C, 15N and 31P) and 1H decoupling if applicable. The possibility to accommodate 10 mm NMR tubes allows performing in vivo NMR studies using cellular suspensions, small organs, etc. The probe-head is equipped with a pneumatic switching accessory for automatic changing of observed NMR frequency.


Minimum sample volume: 2.5 ml
Working temperature range: +150 a -130ºC
Purchase date: 2007



SEX Na-H-D (10 mm) and TXO F/P-H-D (10 mm) are selective probe-heads used for direct observation of Sodium, Fluorine or Phosphorus.

Both probe-heads were build-up especially for in vivo NMR transport studies.


Minimum sample volume: 2.5 ml
Working temperature range: +150 a -130ºC
Purchase date (SEXNa): 1991
Purchase date (TXO F/P): 1997



The HR-MAS Triple C/P-H-D (4 mm) is a high-resolution triple resonance probe-head with Magic Angle Spinning rotation (max. rate: 15 kHz), designed for 1H, 13C and 31P direct observation and/or decoupling, and with pulse-field gradients along Z axis. High-resolution NMR spectra of semi-solid (e.g.: paste, gels, resins, etc.) or liquid samples, from any origin (biological, organic or inorganic), can be obtained using this probe-head.


Maximum speed rotation: 15 kHz
Maximum sample volume: 50 ul
Working temperature range: +70 a -20ºC
Purchase date: 2007