DRX 300 info
DRX 300 MHz
This low field spectrometer is particularly suitable for the study of paramagnetic systems (proteins or organometallic complexes) and for routine analysis of low molecular weight compounds. When low temperature experiments are required, a nitrogen gas cooling system operating by evaporation of liquid nitrogen can be employed; and this spectrometer becomes the elected choice for low temperature studies due to a good control and stability of probe-head temperature.
To accomplish these studies there are two probe-heads available: a 5 mm BBI and a 10 mm TXO C/P.
Description and history of the equipment:
The spectrometer was acquired by the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica in 1989. At the time of installation the spectrometer was equipped with an AMX300 console, which was updated to a DRX300 double bay console in 2007. This spectrometer, equipped with a 300 MHz magnet, 54 mm diameter standard bore, is now controlled via Topspin V.1.3 software installed in a PC with the LINUX operating system. The 5 Gauss magnetic field safety line is described by an ellipsoid with a horizontal and vertical radius of 2.3 m and 2.8 m apart from the magnetic centre, respectively.
Two systems are available for low temperature operation:
- BCU-05 - a nitrogen gas cooling system (exit gas temperature of -20ºC) allowing working temperatures down to 0ºC (approximately);
- A nitrogen gas cooling system operating by evaporation of liquid nitrogen allowing working temperatures down to -120ºC.
Table of sensitivities (signal to noise ratios) for probe-heads:
DRX 300
BBI (5 mm)
TXO C/P (10 mm)
The BBI H-X-D (5 mm) is a probe-head with inverse detection (optimized for 1H observing), wide range frequency decoupling possibility (from 31P to 109Ag). This probe-head is frequently used for 1H-NMR experiments requiring heteronuclear broadband decoupling and/or solvent suppression Also, it can be used for structural studies applied to small molecules and low molecular weight proteins and based on homonuclear (e.g., COSY, NOESY, TOCSY, etc.) or heteronuclear (e.g., HSQC, HMQC, HMBC, etc.).
Purchase date: 1996
TXO C/P-H-D (10 mm) is selective probe-head used for direct observation of Carbon or Phosphorus. This probe-head was build-up especially for in vivo NMR studies with the possibility of 13C/31P interleaved spectral acquisition.
Minimum sample volume: 2.5 ml
Working temperature range: +50 a -10ºC
Purchase date (TXO C/P): 1989