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NEO 500 info

NEO 500 MHz

This spectrometer is equipped with a 5 mm TCI(F)-z H-C/N Prodigy cryo-probe with cold RF coils and preamplifiers for 1H, 2H & 13C allowing a substantial increase in signal to noise when compared with room temperature probes (vide sensitivity tables). Therefore, this spectrometer is suited for the structural and dynamical studies of proteins and small molecules and in relatively diluted samples or in metabolomics studies.


Description and history of the equipment:

The spectrometer was acquired by the Rede Nacional de RMN (National NMR Network) in November 2006, and its installation completed in December of the same year. Initially operating with an AVANCE II+ console, this spectrometer was upgraded to a single bay NEO console on November 2019. The equipment, controlled via Topspin 4.0.7 software installed in a PC with the LINUX operating system, comprises a 500 MHz Ultra-Shield Magnet with 54 mm diameter standard bore. The 5 Gauss magnetic field safety line is described by an ellipsoid with a horizontal and vertical radius of 1.3 m and 1.9 m apart from magnetic centre, respectively.

Installation of the Prodigy probe and control systems was performed in September 2016.


One system is available for low temperature operation:

  1. BCU-05 - a nitrogen gas cooling system (exit gas temperature of -20ºC) allowing working temperatures down to 0ºC (approximately);


Table of sensitivities (signal to noise ratios) for probe-heads:

NEO 500
TCI-z (5 mm)



Cryo TCI(F)-z H-C/N Prodigy

The TCI(F)-z H-C/N-D Prodigy cryo-probe is a 5 mm probe-head with inverse detection (optimized for 1H observing), designed to operate at three fixed frequencies (1H, 13C and 15N), with pulse-field gradients along Z axis and automatically tuneable. It is equipped with cold preamplifiers for 1H, 2H & 13C. This probe-head allows the acquisition of multi-dimensional double resonance spectra from double-labelled protein samples as well as less complex data from single- or non-labelled samples. Triple resonance experiments with 2H decoupling are possible. Changing the routing of the 1H channel, 19F can be directly observed.


Minimum sample volume: 500 ul

Working temperature range: +70 a -20ºC
Purchase date: 2016