Avance III 800 experimental setups
Avance III 800 MHz
Experimental setups
Experiment | Pulse sequence | Parameter set | comments |
1D proton | |||
simple acquisition | zg | itqb_1d1h | |
pulse calibration | zg490.rak | itqb_1d1h_pulse | |
pre-saturation | zgpr | itqb_1d1h_presat | adjust O1 |
Excit sculpting | zgesgp | itqb_1d1h_es | needs correct 90°Pulse and O1 |
watergate | zggpwg | itqb_1d1h_wg | adjust sp1 with gs |
binomial watergate | p3919gp | itqb_1d1h_3919 | adjust d19 for next null and p28 with gs |
double binomial watergate | zggpw5 | itqb_1d1h_w5 | adjust d19 for next null and p28 with gs |
NOE w/pre-saturation | noesypr1d | itqb_1d1h_noepr | needs correct 90°Pulse and O1 |
NOE w/ pre-saturation and grad | noesygppr1d | itqb_1d1h_noegppr | needs correct 90°Pulse and O1 |
1H T1 measur 1D | t1ir1d | itqb_1d1h_T1 | needs 90°Pulse. variable D7, long D1 |
1H-1H 2D | |||
COSY presat | cosygpppqfpr.pl | itqb_2d1h_cosygppr | needs correct 90°Pulse and O1 |
COSY with exc. sculp. | cosyesgpppqf.pl | itqb_2d1h_cosyesgp | needs correct 90°Pulse and O1 |
NOESY presat | noesyphpr | itqb_2d1H_noesypr | d8 is mix time, be careful with RGA |
NOESY w/es | noesyesgpph | itqb_2d1h_noesyesgp | d8 is mix time, be careful with RGA |
TOCSY w/es (mlev) | mlevesgpph | itqb_2d1h_mleves | d9-mixing time |
TOCSY w/es (dipsi2) | dipsi2esgpph | itqb_2d1h_dipsies | d9-mixing time |
J-resolved w/presat | jresgsprqf | itqb_2d1h_jrespr | |
1H-13C 2D | |||
HSQC w/ adiab. pulses and presat | hsqcetgpsisp2.2pr.pl | itqb_2d13C_hsqcsipr | |
HSQC w/ multiplicity editing presat | hsqcedetgpsisp2.2pr.pl | itqb_2d13C_hsqcedsipr | |
HSQC-TOCSY w/ adiab. pulses and presat | hsqcdietgpsisp2.2 | itqb_2d13C_hsqctoscsy | |
HMBC double lowpas presat | hmbcetgpl2ndpr.pl | itqb_2d13C_hmbc2pr | |
HMBC triple lowpas presat | hmbcetgpl3ndpr.pl | itqb_2d13C_hmbc3pr | |
H2BC | h2bcetgpl3pr.pl | itqb_2d13C_H2BC |
Experiment | Pulse sequence | Parameter set | comments |
1D | |||
1H | zg30 | itqb_1d1h_zg30 | |
19F non-dec | zg | itqb_1d19F_zg | need staff intervention |
13C non-dec | zg | itqb_1d13C_zg | |
13C w dec | zgig | itqb_1d13C_zgig | |
13C w dec and NOE using diff pow levels | zgpg | itqb_1d13C_zgpg | |
13C w dec and NOE | zgdc | itqb_1d13C_zgdc | |
13C non-dec w NOE | zggd | itqb_1d13C_zggd | |
13C APT | jmod | itqb_1d13C_apt | |
1H-1H 2D | |||
Magnitude COSY | cosygpppqf | itqb_2d1h_cosymag | |
DQF-COSY | cosygpmfphpp | itqb_2d1h_cosydqf | |
ROESY | roesyphpp.2 | itqb_2d1h_roesy | p15 is mixing time |
NOESY | noesygpphpp | itqb_2d1h_noesy | d8 is mixing time |
TOCSY | mvelphpp | itqb_2d1h_tocsy | d9 is mixing time |
J-resolved | jresgpprqf | itqb_2d1h_jrespr | Set PLW9 to 0 |
1H-13C 2D | |||
HSQC w/ adiab. pulses | hsqcetgpsisp2.2 | itqb_2d13C_hsqcadia | |
HSQC w/ multiplicity editing | hsqcedetgpsisp2.2 | itqb_2d13C_hsqced | |
HSQC-TOCSY w/ adiab. pulses | hsqcdietgpsisp2 | itqb_2d13C_hsqctocsy | d9 is mixing time |
HMBC double lowpas | hmbcetgpl2nd | itqb_2d13C_hmbc2 | |
HMBC triple lowpas | hmbcetgpl3nd | itqb_2d13C_hmbc3 | |
H2BC | h2bcetgpl3 | itqb_2d13C_h2bc | |
1H-15N 2D | |||
HSQC f3 | hsqcetf3gpsi | itqb_2d15N_hsqcf3 | |
HSQC w/ adiab. pulses | hsqcetgpsisp2.2 | itqb_2d15N_hsqcsi | |
HSQC-TOCSY w/ adiab. pulses | hsqcdietgpsisp2.2 | itqb_2d15N_hsqctocsysi | |
Sofast HSQC | sfhmqcf3gpph | itqb_2d15N_sfhmqc | mind ZGOPTNS |